Plano Tx: Revoice Pre-Conference

Plano Tx: Revoice Pre-Conference
Oct 7
, 2021
Chase Oaks Church, Legacy Campus

The trans* conversation raises many questions that are different from the sexually conversation; T is quite different from LGB. But our posture as Christians should be the same--one of radical grace and uncompromising truth. Dr. Preston Sprinkle, author of Embodied: Transgender Identities, the Church, and What the Bible Has to Say will give an overview of the trans* conversation, addressing the various theological, philosophical, biological, and pastoral questions that are pertinent to the topic. Preston will then dialogue with some trans* or gender dysphoric Christians to help us better understand this topic from a relational perspective. We will leave ample room for audience Q & A.


Note: This Pre-Conference is open to all, regardless of whether or not you're attending the full Revoice Conference.

Chase Oaks Church, Legacy Campus
281 Legacy Dr.
Plano, TX 75023

Registration: $19


October 7

  • 3:30pm Event Starts
  • 6:00pm Event Ends

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